I love this piece, and I’m really excited about your newsletter. Thank you for sharing!

Whether most ravers are conscious of it or not, we are creating a sacred ritual space at raves. In it, we re-inhabit the primal matrix and tap into an ancestral way of being - embodied, joyfful, non verbal, non rational, liberated, wild, and free.

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Great to read your thoughtful writing.

Love the idea of the speaker stack as a contemporary monolith—I'd never thought of it in that context.

You really captured why giving yourself up to the music creates the opening for a profound experience, based on deep listening and dancing, movement. Also, so nice to see Pauline mentioned here, a dear friend of my dad. Staring at the person who's providing the music all night really reduces reduces the possibility of a profound experience, collectively or within ourselves. Just like never turning off the screen while making music.

Thank you!

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Fantastic piece, thanks for sharing

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Beautifully written. It’s so nice to read what I have been thinking about for 25+ years put together so eloquently. Nailed it 100%

See ya Saturday, I’ll definitely be dancing to your monolith. So appreciative of your hard work and dedication.

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Thrilled to stumble upon this post, since I myself am also that visual in my head while listening to music. I would always say to my friends "I see music". That can come as a bit confusing.😅

This piece is really well written. I feel like it is deeply described but also easy to understand.

Keep on with a good work.✌️

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Happy birthday dear human!!! So grateful for all you do. Loved this food for thought - and practice. Wishing you all an ecstatic night in the beloved D!

xoxo from toronto

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